Monday, May 21, 2012

Living "La Vita" Loca

We have spent the last few days hanging with friends, chillin with grandma and grandpa, and soaking in the joys of our "mini retirement". It is rather hard explaining to our Polish relatives that we have left our jobs to go travel. No one really understands how this is possible and why you would want to leave a job "in this economy". With 3 bottles of wine under our belts, we tried to explain our plan to take over the world. Perhaps not take over but we definitely want our souls to absorb all the wonders this planet has to offer. Today we walked a few miles from Gdynia to Sopot along the shores and ended up at a little italian restaurant called La Vita. Although relatively cheap in our American standards, it is more than we have been paying for our 4-5 dollar meals. Being in Poland definitely brings me (Emilia) back to my roots of origin and makes me grateful for speaking the language. Here is a picture from where this blog is being created. Sorry the pictures have been so terrible, but we don't exactly want to be pulling out the iPad openly and we haven't quite found an internet cafe to upload the pictures to the blog, but at least you get to see out pretty faces. :-)

- Posted around the world from our iPad

Location:Plac Zdrojowy,Sopot,Poland


  1. Alright guys. It's time. We can't take it anymore. We're leaving early to come and meet you! :) Not really, but maybe??... 4 more weeks!! Keep the posts coming. We all love reading them! Say HI to everyone. See you guys soon.

  2. And say happy birthday to Kara for us in about an hour!! Miss you both very much. Scott, I just started reading "7 habits" It's really good!

  3. you're eating in poland and you're not eating polish sausages? (or are they just 'sausages' in poland?)

  4. I am somewhat confused.. I was looking for "where the wind blows" and I was not able to find your blog but somehow stumbled upon it here. And then when I got here, I didn't see a log-in where I could make my post... strange. Can we please have that fixed? Miss you guys. hope you're having a wonderful time!
